Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Chemistry Class

(Hey, a life-relevant post!)

Yesterday I joined a different chemistry class, which meets every Tuesday. I like the teacher, Dr. C, whom one of my brothers learned from back in highschool as well. Due to differences in the textbooks' depths, this class is farther into the subject, but hasn't been covering some parts in quite as much detail. I'm currently a bit rusty in areas that I had down cold in physical science last year, though that should change without a problem.

The main factor in switching classes was our schedule. My brother started going to a community college, and that conflicted with the Wednesday chemistry course. My mom and I actually had to choose between the two classes at the start of the school year, and while I didn't want to miss out on the one my brother so loved, Dr. F (who is a neat teacher, don't get me wrong) provided a more convenient program at the time.

I guess this way I'll have gotten a bit of each!

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