Sunday, May 24, 2009

Clean What Won't Be Seen

My second-eldest brother is having a friend from out-of-state over, and my chore this week happens to be trash+bathroom. So I just finished cleaning the bathroom, as per my mother's wishes. I must admit, the sink and mirror look much nicer; but as I was wiping the floor down and did around the back of the toilet, I questioned the necessity. One would have to purposely look for filth back there to notice any. This reminded me, as many happenings do, of a piece from a book I've read. This one is "The Good Bad Boy," an enjoyable little read that is supposed to be the diary of a boy in the eighth grade. The passage I thought of goes:

"Why do people have to clean the whole house when they expect company? Father Foley will only see the dining room and parlor. Besides, Father Foley is coming to eat, not to look for dirt."


Lady W said...

maybe for the same reason that you apologize to someone you've hurt and go to Confession?

To follow a symbolic streak, that is. *g*

Ceff E. Roth said...

Symbolic streak? Do I need to scrub that away too? JK

Zoron Maro said...

You have no clue how often I've thought the same thing.