Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Energy Crisis

The issue of our energy crisis was, naturally, brought up in tonight's Republican convention. This reminded me of another tidbit from chemistry class this afternoon, when Dr. F related reacting atoms to teenage relationships.

He said that atoms bond, bonds break, and new bonds are formed, kind of like when a girl breaks up with one guy and hooks up with another. And, as I commented at that point, that releases a lot of energy!

Forget oil drilling, we just need to find a way to harness this.


Anonymous said...

And sometimes takes a lot of energy. You'll soon learn about exothermic vs. endothermic. (Although actually every reaction takes and gives energy, just some give more than take and spme vice versa.)

Anonymous said...

My dear Cobbler, I already know about endothermic vs. exothermic. This particular reaction is exothermic: energy is released from the teens in a rather violent fashion, leaving them stressed and lacking energy.

Anonymous said...

Hullo! Welcome to the world of bloggers!
(or some other appropriate sentiment)


Anonymous said...

Incidentally, this is not a proper reaction equation. You never subtract stuff. You either add and get a new thing, or start with one thing split it up.

Anonymous said...

The world of bloggers is "THING," remember? = )

Anonymous said...

Speaking of which, you should add the acronym label to your ZREO post.

Anonymous said...

No, I shouldn't. For one thing, ZREO isn't a word, and for another, that's the abbreviation they use for their site.

Anonymous said...

I thought an acronym was an acronym as long as it's pronouncable, but that could be a loose definition; and I don't see why their using it makes it invalid, on the contrary that seems to validate it all the more. Then again, it's not a proper acronym anyway as re, the whole prefix, is used instead of just r.

Btw -- love the Duckhunt/Latin picture. XD